Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Dock Rock Awards

Sat 10:00 am   Best Album  /  Dark Side Of The Moon / Pink Floyd
Sat 11:00 am   Best Drummer  / Neil Peart  /  Rush
Sat 12:00 pm   Best Ballad / Stairway To Heaven / Led Zepellin
Sat   1:00 pm   Best Guitar Player / Jimmy Hendrix
Sat   2:00 pm   Best Male Vocalist / Freddy Mercury / Queen
Sat   3:00 pm   Best Dead Act  /  Freddy Mercury  /  Queen
Sat   4:00 pm   Best Canadian Band / The Guess Who
Sat   5:00 pm   Best Album Cover  /  Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Sat   6:00 pm   Best Persussion Song / Moby Dick / Led Zepellin
Sat   7:00 pm   Best Band  /  The Beatles
Sun 10:00 am   Best Female Singer  /  Stevie Nicks
Sun 11:00 am   Best Party Song  /  You Shook Me All Night Long / ACDC
Sun 12:00 pm   Best Keyboardist  /  Elton John
Sun   1:00 pm   Best British Band  / The Beatles
Sun   2:00 pm   Best Song  /  Stairway To Heaven
Sun   3:00 pm   Best  / Dark Side Of The Moon / Pink Floyd
Sun   4:00 pm   Drummer - Neil Peart
Sun   5:00 pm   Best Makeout Song - Stairway To Heaven
Sun   6:00 pm   Best Guitarist - Jimmy Hendrix
Sun   7:00 pm   Best Male Vocalist - Freddy Mercury
Mon 10:00 Best Dead Act /Freddy Mercury / Queen
Mon 11:00 Best Canadian Band / The Guess Who
Mon 12:00 Best Album Cover / Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Mon   1:00 Best Percussion Song / Moby Dick / Led Zeppelin
Mon   2:00 Best Band / The Beatles
Mon   3:00 Best Female Singer / Stevie Nicks
Mon   4:00 Best Party Song / You Shook Me All Night Long / ACDC
Mon   5:00 Best Keyboardest / Elton John
Mon   6:00 Best British Band / The Beatles
Mon   7:00 Best Song / Stairway to Heaven